Monday, March 06, 2006

Oscars and South Dakota

Last night's Academy Awards were actually more just than I anticipated! Of course, the nominations were way off base, since, among numerous other atrocities, neither "The Chronicles of Narnia" nor "Because of Winn-Dixie" was nominated for best picture. However, "Narnia" won an award in the Best Makeup category, one of three categories in which it was nominated! Congratulations to the makers of this outstanding movie. What's more, "Brokeback Mountain" lost in the Best Picture category! For the full list of Oscar winners, go to

In other news, Governor Mike Rounds of South Dakota signed that state's anti-abortion bill into law today. Although Rounds is a Republican, I strongly disagree with him on this issue! The bill bans all abortions, except for those that are necessary to save the woman's life. This law is a violation of what is believe to be the inalienable right not to have a baby. It is an oppressive bill and should be abolished! I look forward to a Supreme Court showdown sometime in the future.

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