Tuesday, March 28, 2006

Clinton's evil plan

Yes, I said I was going to write about immigration, but I just saw this story on the CNN site and it infuriates me! Former President Clinton believes that in some developing countries, all people should be forcibly tested for AIDS! Yes, I know that this policy would help to save lives, but that does not prevent it from being morally repugnant. The consequences of a policy do not impace how moral the policy is. All that matters is that the policy Clinton supports involves forcing innocent people to submit to medical procedures that involve needles piercing their skin! As a belomophobe (someone with an extreme, uncontrollable fear of needles) I understand that for some people, blood tests are unbearably agonizing, both physically and psychologically, and it is impossible to enjoy life knowing that a doctor will inevitably pierce your skin with a needle at some point in the future. No matter how many lives the forced testing saves, it will completely ruin the lives of countries' entire populations.

Not to mention the fact that AIDS is spread through sexual contact, and there is the possibility (actually the certainty) that some people in the developing countries are celibate and intend to remain so! Clinton's despicable proposition implies that everyone will be having sex, which is ludicrous. I believe that sexuality itself is immoral, but even if I did not, it would still be obvious to me that people have an inalienable right to be celibate and therefore not to be tested for sexually transmitted diseases. If even one person who does not have AIDS or who wants to be celibate is tested (which is certain to happen, since only about 5% of the population in these countries have AIDS), the entire policy will be proven useless. The policy that Clinton supports will not just violate, but utterly smash the civil rights of all the citizens of the countries he targets. By dismissing our existence, Clinton has affronted all individuals who believe in celibacy. His proposal reflects a spirit of collectivism and a disregard for individual rights. Clinton's view makes him, in my opinion, one of the worst presidents in history.

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