Tuesday, March 28, 2006

Out with the illegal immigrants!

Now for the immigration rant that I promised:

As many of you know, thanks to large-scale protests, the government is now considering allowing illegal immigrants to become citizens after living in the US for six years. I disagree with this proposed law. In my opinion, illegal immigrants should be immediately kicked out of America and should never be allowed to come back! Our country is overpopluated (I bet mostly because of illegal immigrants who always seem to be having babies at a young age), and the last thing it needs is more people in it! Especially people who are likely to have babies when they are teenagers and therefore grow in numbers more quickly, on average, than native-born Americans!

I know that many people will interpret this as racist, but I will say it anyway: Not counting the time when Indians inhabited America, this country has historically been predominantly white, and it ought to remain so. There is nothing wrong with having a few blacks, Asians, and Latinos (maybe up to 10% of our population), but it is not good when non-whites comprise over 50% of the population in some parts of America. I believe that it is important for 30% of America's population to have blond hair, 30% to have brown hair, 30% to have black hair, and the remaining 10% to have red hair, or at least as close to that ratio as possible. Also, there should be roughly the same number of people with brown eyes as blue. In my opinion, these are the ideal ratios for a diverse, aesthetically pleasing population. Because non-whites almost always have dark hair and brown eyes, the large numbers of them are fouling up America's physical diversity ratios. Asia, a huge continent, is predominantly Asian, South America is predominantly Latino, and Africa is primarily black, and that's fine. The US is not part of Asia, South America, or Africa, so it ought to be predominantly white. Not to mention that fact that America has traditionally been, and ought to remain, an English-speaking country!

In conclusion, illegal immigrants are ruining America's culture and must be stopped.

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