Tuesday, April 11, 2006

Neil is arraigned again

Fear not, I had no intention to neglect what I consider to be today's most important news story: that of Neil Entwistle, who was arraigned today in Middlesex Superior Court at 9:00 A.M. Of course, this is his second arraignment, moving his case from district court to superior court. Entwistle wore a dark gray suit and a pink tie and had longer, neatly combed hair. Although it is typical for defendants to enter their own pleas in superior court, Neil had his lawyer, Elliot Weinstein, enter a not guilty plea for him. Neil seems to be a shy, quiet individual, as he has not yet spoken in public. His calm demeanor, punctuated by occasional smirks and sneers, reminds me of Scott Peterson.

My theory on the Entwistle case is that Neil hated being married, hated his wife and baby, and panicked because of his desperate financial situation and the social pressure to seem like a successful family man. These factors, in addition to his homesickness for England, caused him to plan and carry out the murders. I think that Neil was so depressed that he intended to commit suicide, a theory that explains that somewhat sloppy cover-up of the killings. I will post again if my theory changes.

Watch for the next court hearing on May 23. Also, if all goes according to plan, the trial will begin in April of 2007.


http://news.bostonherald.com/entwistleMurders/ -- the Herald's archive of Entwistle stories

http://www.townonline.com/blogs/yourTownTonight/ -- Joe Dwinell's Entwistle blog

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