Tuesday, April 11, 2006

Lies at Duke

The episode of "Larry King Live" that is airing at this moment has prompted me to write this brief editorial. Mark Geragos, who is, in my opinion, probably the best lawyer in the world, is on the show to discuss the allegations of rape against members of the Duke lacrosse team. I fully agree with Mark's point, namely that the accusations are false. No DNA evidence linked any members of the team to the woman in question, who happens to be a stripper. I don't want to jump to any conclusions, but I think this woman's occupation probably says a great deal about her moral caliber. I will post again on this topic if I change my opinion; I have another important topic that I have not yet reported on.

Edit: I just heard on the show that the accuser is a mother of two. Considering the woman's likely young age and the fact that no husband has been mentioned, this revelation says even more about her moral caliber.

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